Team Ramsey Website and Blog- one of my favourite show riders, trainers and judges, Richard Ramsey, is now online. As well as maintaining a pretty professional looking website for their show horse production/sales business, he and wife Majorie, who is also a highly respected judge, are keeping a blog. Always interesting to read what the pros are up to and how they're doing it!
Nala Stud has launched a website. Apparently, there are some ponies for sale so drop them a line if you're in the market for a new showing star. Welcome to the world wide web, Alan ;)
The Show Ring forum is an amaaazing place to go if you want to chat with showing people from across the world. It's UK based but I would recommend it to anybody. The top producers in the UK frequent the forum which can be pretty handy when you have questions about turnout of horse and rider, schooling, ringcraft etc! It's a private, subscription based forum but well worth it.
Burleighvilla Stud- Ryan actually updates his site fairly regularly unlike some NZ studs (content that hasn't been updated since 1993 is not a good look- it means visitors think you have either shut down or have absolutely no news. You know who you are!) Ryan currently has some lovely youngsters for sale and I know there he has made some sensational matches for the next foaling season so keep an eye on his website...
Supreme Products Blog- I had to drop this one in because I do some work for them. However, we have a huge library of rider interviews, photos, articles on everything from plaiting to tail pulling to hood fitting, and news about showing from across the world which will gradually be uploaded to the blog. Definitely drop by from time to time to see what's been added.
Show Circuit- The Show Circuit website is well worth a visit. You can read PDFs of past articles online, subscribe, view the equestrian business directory, find out about competitions and see what's in the current issue.
If you know of an outstanding showing websites, whether in NZ or overseas, let me know and I'll add it to the list of links displayed at the side of this blog.